Saturday, March 15, 2008

Greg: From the Priesthood to "Both Feet on Earth"

I have traveled a long way from the Christian canonization of the Bible and the apotheosis of a remarkable Hebrew preacher named Jesus, and all that the early church has built up around them. Nevertheless there are places upon places in those writings (scriptures), Old and New Testamets alike, that have their parallel applications "in these latter times." One of them is the story Matthew tells in his third chapter, a story of wrong ways and needed repentence, a full repentance beyond feeling sorrow but that leaves the darkness of wrong behind and embraces the light of right living. Today, however, we will find that the source of that righteousness is not Jehovah or a Father God enthroned above in a Heavenly Kingdom but the only ground of being we can point to, this earth. I have landed both feet on Earth as a rational basis for morality or right living. Therein we find our responsibilities as earthlings. Of all creatures only we are gifted with freedom but by nature charged with responsibility to live in accord with that condition. Ethics / morality lie in meeting responsibilities.

Who said it would be easy to live with (within) the reality of limited resources or to repair the damages mankind does daily to the planet? Who said that exhausting earth's resources, or damaging earth's air, waters, soils, and other denizens, flora and fauna could be pursued with impunity?


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